The Direction of Gas Stove in Kitchen as per Vastu

Kitchen vastu tips explaining the gas stove direction in kitchen as per vastu. Know which is the best direction to keep gas stove in kitchen and which is the best 3 burner gas stove or 4 burner gas stove as per vastu.
Direction of the Kitchen
South-East is the best direction for kitchen. According to Vastu, the South East is the direction of lord of fire (Agni Dev) and it is the ideal placement of the kitchen is in that direction.
The South-East direction is called the “Agni” Disha in vastu and the element Fire governs in the direction South-East and so this directions of the house is best for kitchen.
However, if South-East direction isn’t possible, one can place the kitchen in North-West direction. In the kitchen, cooking gas or stove should be placed in South-East direction in such a way that person cooking must face East.
The North-West direction for kitchen is best suited fro the South facing house. As in this scenario, it gets difficult to have the Kitchen in the South-East. So the Kitchen maybe set up in the North-West corner.
In the North West kitchen, cooking gas or stove should be placed in South direction in such a way that person cooking must face East. Also in the North-West kitchen, the cooking stove can be placed in the North-West or West {alternative directions when it is nearly impossible to place gas stove in South}.
Direction of Gas Stove in Kitchen as per Vastu

According to Vastu Shastra, all the objects inside the kitchen which represent fire, including gas stoves, gas cylinders, microwave, ovens, toasters, lighters should be placed in the South-East direction of the kitchen. Also, gas stove should be placed in such a manner that a person cooking must face the East.
In nutshell, the right placement of the gas stove as per Vastu is in the southeast direction of the kitchen. You should cook facing the east direction to bring the positive energies in your home.
Also note that the windows in the kitchen should face the North, East or North-East direction of the kitchen. The gas cylinder should be placed in the South-East corner.
NOTE: There is no limitations or restrictions on the number of gas stove burners. One can have either 2 burners or 3 burners or 4 burners stove. The direction of the gas stove in the kitchen is very important.