Car Parking Vastu Tips – Garage Location According To Vastu

Details about Vastu for car parking in house with garage location according to Vastu. You must build the car garage according to Vastu.

Garage Location According To Vastu

The garage should be located in the North-West direction of the home. The North-West direction is governed by Vayudev, the ‘Hindu Lord of Wind’. Always park the car inside the garage with its bonnet facing towards North, East or North-East direction. Note that the face should be towards North-East direction and a car should never be parked in the North-East direction.

Never have a garage in South-West and North-East direction of the house. South-West is preferred for the master bedroom and the North-East direction is best for puja room. The North-East direction is also said to house the maximum amount of positive energy. In Vastu Shastra, this direction brings good luck, wealth, good health, prosperity and peace. So obstructing this direction with a garage/car is not advisable.

Othe Vastu rules for garage which must be followed:

  1. The floor of the garage should have slope downwards towards the North, East or North-East direction.
  2. The gate should be in the North, East and North-East direction.
  3. The garage gate should open towards the North or the East direction. Always keep the height of the garage gate lower than that of the main gate of the house.
  4. The garage should be of white, blue, or yellow colour, according to Vastu for garage.
  5. The direction for the Parking lane is from the East towards the South (starting from East and going towards South).

One can park their two-wheeler bike or cycle in any direction, just not in the North-East direction of the house. There is no such limitations on parking for two-wheelers or cycle.

According to Vastu, it is highly recommended to perform pooja in your garage every morning and every sunset.