Land Selection According to Vastu: Vastu Tips for Purchasing Plot

Here are some of the must-know vastu tips for purchasing plots for a new house and vastu shastra for buying agricultural land. These vastu tips for plot selection or vastu for plot selection should be followed with utmost faith.
Vastu tips for plot selection – Vastu Shastra for plot shapes and direction. Vastu Shastra for plot shapes and Vastu for plots facing North and Vastu for plots facing East. Know which side facing plot is good.
Vastu Tips for Purchasing Plots
According to Vishwakarma Prakash Chapter-2, Shloka-16:
- A plot with a slope towards the west creates quarrels in the family.
- A plot sloping towards the north-west could be a reason for short life.
- A slope towards the northern direction improves descendant luck growth of the family.
- Land sloping towards the north-east gives the abundance through gems.
According to Vishwakarma Prakash Chapter-2 Shloka-15:
- A plot with a slope towards the east gives the benefits of wealth.
- A plot sloping towards the south-east brings sorrow.
- If the slope is towards the south, it may be a reason for a short life.
- A slope towards the south-west creates a fear.
Other notable tips are:
- Any Plot with roads towards north and east brings more prosperity.
- Plot with water bodies at north, northeast or east brings success to the business. A Flow of water should not be towards the south.
- Plot with a shadow of the temple falling during 9 am to 3 pm should be avoided.
- Any shadow falling on the plot is not good. Falling of shadows of the temples and trees nearby on the main building brings undesirable problems.
- There should not be any cemetery graveyard, tomb adjacent to the plot or in front or the back. If this is the condition, the people residing in that house will live in fear and will never have the peace of mind.
- A temple, church, mosque also should not be in front of any house otherwise the inmates will always be sick and mentally upset.
Selection Of Plot

The Plot or Site of construction according to Vaastu Shastra can be divided into two the North East half of the plot and the South West half. The North East half of the plot is called the Solar half and the South West half is called the Lunar half.
Vaastu Shastra suggests that the Solar half should be lower and the Lunar half should be higher. This ensures the ideal flow of light, solar energy & polar energy. This type of plot brings joy and happiness, good children and all the success in life to the occupants of the building erected on it.
The land should either slope down towards the North or East, but never towards the West or South.
Location Of The Plot
Avoid buying residential plots near cemeteries or hospitals as they are storehouses of negative energies and infections.
Any obstruction like bridge, electric pole, hill or a building in the north and east side should be avoided, as it blocks sunlight, however, anything in the west and south can be compromised as it impedes entry of negative energies.
Similarly, a water body located on the southwest side of the plot should be avoided as it implies misery.
Whereas if the plot has a lake or river nearby that flows in the north-east direction, then it is a good sign and the land can be purchased for residential development.
Direction Of The Plot
The most important factor before choosing a land is its direction. While you plan to purchase a plot, prefer North-facing direction as it is considered highly auspicious. East and west facing plots can also be considered, however, south facing land should be completely avoided.
Corner plots are perfect for home construction as they bring happiness and prosperity. Plots bordered by roads from all directions are considered excellent for commercial constructions but not for residential purposes.
Types Of Soil
Earth is classified according to its color like brick red, dark brown, black, yellow or mixed, according to its smell, texture and taste. Black and clayey soil is not good for construction.
- The soil white in color, having lotus smell, sweet taste and which contains greenery is considered very good.
- The soil red in color, smelling blood and astringent in taste is good but needs some attention.
- The soil yellow/pale green in color, grainish smell and sour taste is average and needs a lot of rectification before commencement of work.
- The soil black in color, having a pungent small and bitter taste should be avoided as it is not auspicious for construction of the houses.
Shape And Size Of The Plot
Ideal shapes for residential plots are square or rectangular which are narrower at the entrance and wider at its rear.
Round, oval, triangular and L-shaped plots should be avoided. In general:
- The plot should be either square or rectangle in shape.
- Irregular plot shapes should be avoided or should be cured before construction.
- The plot should be level or sloping towards North or east or North-East.
From the appearance of the surface, must remember the following tips:
- The land which is somewhat elevated in the south, south-west, west or north-west directions is known as elephant’s back. Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi is said to inhabit such land. The occupants, naturally, grow rich and enjoy long life on such a land.
- The land, which is elevated in the middle and shallow all around, is known as Turtle’s back. Inhabitation on such land leads to greater enthusiasm, luxuries and accumulation of wealth for the occupants.
- The land which is elevated in north-east, east and south-west directions is known as Demon’s back. Inhabitation on such a land leads to loss of wealth and children.
- The land, which is elongated in east-west directions and elevated in north and south directions is known as Serpent’s back. Inhabitants on such land meet untimely death. They also lose their wives, sons etc. and have a lot of enemies.
Vastu Road Directions
It is very important to note the direction of roads connecting to the plot.
Good Roads
The direction of the approaching roads to the plot which are considered favorable and auspicious
- An incoming road from the east and touching or crossing the northeast part of the plot.
- An incoming road from the north and touching or crossing the northeast part of the plot.
- An incoming road from the West and touching or crossing the North- West part of the plot.
- An incoming road from the South and touching or crossing the South- East part of the plot.
Bad Roads
The direction of the approaching roads to the plot which are considered not favorable and inauspicious. Such directions of approaching roads should be avoided for selecting a plot.
- An incoming road is from the west and touches or crosses the southwest part of the plot.
- An incoming road is from the east and touches or crosses the southeast part of the plot.
- An incoming road is from the north and touches or crosses the northwest part of the plot.
- An incoming road is from the south and touches or crosses the southwest part of the plot.