Eight Directions In Vastu Shastra – Lord of East, West, North and South Direction

Which are the 8 directions in Vastu and which direction is best for Vastu? Here are the eight directions in Vastu Shastra and guardians of the directions, Lord of East, West, North and South direction.

8 Directions in Vastu

East Direction

Lord Indra is the ruler of East direction. In Vedic Shastra, Indra is the Lord of heaven and god of the weather, sky, rain, and storms. Lord Indra governs the direction East and since the Sun rises from the East, it is said to be the auspicious direction. East is the direction of prosperity and fame. As per Vastu, the direction is best for all kinds of entry points, such as windows, doors and balconies. Inside the house, the living room, drawing room or meeting room is positioned in East direction.

West Direction

Lord Varun is the ruler of West direction. Lord Varun is the Hindu God of rain and samudra (seas and oceans). In Vastu, West direction governs water elements and every thing associated with water. As per Vastu, an overhead water tank and a staircase is built in this direction. This direction is also ruled by the planet Saturn (Shani Dev) and hence any openings and entries in West is avoided (considered bad). Gate or windows in West can harm the financial status of the house. It should also be noted that the West direction is highly auspicious for women.

North Direction

It is one the most auspicious directions in Vastu. North direction is ruled by Kuber, the Hindu God of fortune and wealth. This direction is best for the house and workplace or office. North is the direction of wealth and career. As per Vastu, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, courtyard and balconies and an underground water storage/tank is best in North direction.

South Direction

South direction is ruled by Yamraj or Lord Yam, the Hindu God of justice and death. The South direction is governed by planet Mars and is responsible for bravery and all kinds of accomplishment, both in personal and professionl life. It is the best direction for an overhead water tank. Always keep heavy items in this direction.

North-East Direction

North-East is known as Ishanya or Ishana. The North-East direction is ruled by Lord Shiva, the Hindu God of time, birth, death and resurrection. Planet Jupiter or Brahaspati is the ruling planet of North-East. The North-East direction is an auspicious one and is responsible for materialistic happiness and spiritual divinity. It is an auspicious direction for puja ghar or mandir or to perform any kinds of rituals or hawan or pooja. You should always build a mandir in this house and keep this area clean.

South-East Direction

The South-East direction is governed by Agni, the Hindu God of fire. This direction represents energy, power and fame. Planet Venus rules this direction and is responsible for family happiness. Kitchen should always be constructed in the South-East direction.

North-West Direction

North-West direction is known as Vāyavya and Vayu, the Hindu God of the wind is the ruler of North-West direction. As per Vedic shastras, Lord Hanuman or Bjarangbali is the symbol of this direction because North-West is associated with air and wind. Moon rules this direction and affects relationships and all kinds of cooperation and partnerships. Girls who are of marriageable age should always sleep in the North-West direction. You should not keep heavy objects in this direction. Always install a flag of Lord Hanuman in this direction on the terrace.

South-West Direction

The South-West direction is ruled by Nairutti, the Hinu demigod of death, sorrow, and decay. It is the most inauspicious and unlucky direction in Vastu. Any openings such as window and door brings bad luck. As per Vastu, the South-West direction should always be packed with heavy objects such as old machinery, old items and something which is of no use.

Apart from these 8 directions, some believe in the concept of Dasha-Dikpala, the guardians of ten directions. Besides the eight guardians stated above, the other two directions are Zenith ruled by Brahma (“the farthest up from the gravitational force”) and Nadir ruled by Vishnu (“the direction in which gravity pulls”).