Lucky Stones For Zodiac Signs 2022 – Lucky Stone By Name

Find my lucky stone based on date of birth! Know your lucky stone as per date of birth and time and lucky stones for zodiac signs 2022. Rashi ratna and upratna are the lucky stone as per Indian astrology and as per Zodiac signs.
Lucky Stones for Zodiac Signs 2022 – 2023
Zodiac Sign: AQUARIUS Jan 20 to Feb 18
Birthstones: Garnet and Amethyst
Zodiac Sign: PISCES Feb 19 to Mar 20
Birthstones: Turquoise and Amethyst
Zodiac Sign: ARIES Mar 21 to Apr 20
Birthstones: Bloodstone and Diamond
Zodiac Sign: TAURUS Apr 21 to May 20
Birthstones: Sapphire and Emerald
Zodiac Sign: GEMINI May 21 to Jun 20
Birthstones: Aquamarine and Pearl
Zodiac Sign: CANCER Jun 21 to Jul 22
Birthstones: Ruby and Amber
Zodiac Sign: LEO Jul 23 to Aug 23
Birthstones: Onyx and Peridot
Zodiac Sign: VIRGO Aug 24 to Sep 22
Birthstones: Carnelian and Blue Sapphire
Zodiac Sign: LIBRA Sept. 23 to Oct.23
Birthstones: Lapis Lazuli and Opal
Zodiac Sign: SCORPIO Oct 24 to Nov 22
Birthstones: Topaz and Agate
Zodiac Sign: SAGGITARIUS Nov 23 to Dec 20
Birthstones: Turquoise and Blue Topaz
Zodiac Sign: CAPRICORN Dec 21 to Jan 19
Birthstones: Ruby and Garnet
Birthstones by Hindu Vedic Rashi and By Name
Rashi: Aries (Mesh Rashi)
Master Planet: Mars or Mangal
Name Letters: Chu, Choo, Che, Chay, Cho, La, Lha, Li, Lee, Lhi, Lu, Loo, Lhu, Le, Lay, Lo, A
Rashi Ratna: Coral
Rashi Upratna: H.Garnet and Red Onyx
Rashi: Taurus (Vrisha Rashi)
Master Planet: Venus or Shukra
Name Letters: I, Ee, Ei, Eh, U, Oo, Ae, Ai, E, Oh, Ou, Va, Ba, Bee, Bi, Vee, Wee, Vi, Wi, Vu, Voo, Wu, Bu, Boo, Woo, Vey, Vay, Way, Wey, Be, Bay, Veh, Weh, Beh, Vo, Wo, Bo
Rashi Ratna: Diamond
Rashi Upratna: Opal and Crystal
Rashi: Gemini (Mithun Rashi)
Master Planet: Mercury or Budh
Name Letters: Ka, Ca, Ki, Ke, Ku, Cu, Koo, Coo, Gha, Yan, Cha, Chh, Kay, Kew, Ko, co, Ha
Rashi Ratna: Emerald
Rashi Upratna: Green Tourmaline and Onyx
Rashi: Cancer (Karka Rashi)
Master Planet: Moon or Chandra
Name Letters: Hi, He, Hu, Hoo, Hey, Hay, Ho, Hau, Da, Dha, Di, Dee, Dhe, Du, Doo, Dhu, De, Day, Dha, Do, Dho
Rashi Ratna: Pearl
Rashi Upratna: Moonstone and White Coral
Rashi: Leo (Simha Rashi)
Master Planet: Sun or Surya
Name Letters: Ma, Mi, Mee, Mu, Moo, May, Me, Mo, Mau, Ta, Ti, Tee, Tu, Too, Te, Tay
Rashi Ratna: Manik
Rashi Upratna: Red Tourmaline and Garnet
Rashi: Virgo (Kanya Rashi)
Master Planet: Mercury or Budh
Name Letters: To, Tau, Pa, Pha, Pi, Pee, Phi, Pu, Poo, Phu, Sha, Ana, Ane, Na, Th, Pe, Pay, Pha, Po, Pau, Pho
Rashi Ratna: Emerald
Rashi Upratna: Green Tourmaline and Onyx
Rashi: Libra (Tula Rashi)
Master Planet: Venus or Shukra
Name Letters: Ra, Rha, Ri, Ree, Rhi, Ru, Roo, Rhu, Rey, Ray, Rhe, Ro, Rau, Rho, Rhau, Ta, Tii, Tee, Thee, Thii, Tu, Thu, Tho, Te, The, Tay
Rashi Ratna: Diamond
Rashi Upratna: Opal and Crystal
Rashi: Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi)
Master Planet: Mars or Mangal
Name Letters: To, Tho, Na, Nau, Ni, Nee, Nu, Noo, Ne, Nay, No, Nau, Ya, Yi, Yee, Yu, Yoo
Rashi Ratna: Coral
Rashi Upratna: H.Garnet and Red Onyx
Rashi: Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)
Master Planet: Jupiter or Guru
Name Letters: Ye, Yo, Yho, Bha, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Bhoo, Dha, Pha, Fa, Dhaa, Dhha, Bhe, Bhay
Rashi Ratna: Y.Saphire
Rashi Upratna: Golden Citrine and Tiger Eye
Rashi: Capricorn (Makara Rashi)
Master Planet: Saturn or Shani
Name Letters: Bho, Bhau, Ja, Ji, Jee, Jhi, Khi, Khee, Khu, Khoo, Khey, Khay, Kho, Khau, Ga, Gi, Gee, Ghee
Rashi Ratna: B.Saphire
Rashi Upratna: Amethyst and Lapis Lazuly
Rashi: Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)
Master Planet: Saturn or Shani
Name Letters: Gu, Goo, Ghu, Gey, Gay, Ghe, Go, Gau, Gho, Sa, Sha, Si, See, Shi, Shee, Su, Soo, Shu, Shoo, Say, Shaa, So, Sho, Da
Rashi Ratna: B.Saphire
Rashi Upratna: Golden Citrine or Tiger Eye
Rashi: Pisces (Meena Rashi)
Master Planet: Jupiter or Guru
Name Letters: Di, Dee, Du, Doo, Tha, Jha, Ja, Ana, De, Day, De, Do, Dau, Cha, Chi, Chee
Rashi Ratna: Y.Saphire
Rashi Upratna: Golden Citrine and Tiger Eye