Where To Place Sofa & TV In Living Room As Per Vastu

Where to place sofa in living room as per vastu? What is the best tv position in living room as per vastu and seating arrangement in living room as per vastu.

North and East are the best directions for living room as per Vastu. Here is an exception, living room can be in the South East corner for South facing houses. Always try to have the living room in the North (it brings lot of wealth and good-luck for the family).

Vastu Tips For Living Room Colour

Living room colour as per Vastu should be of neutral shades. Always avoid dark shades such as dark blue or dark red. Go for white, cream, beige, peach, lighter shades of blue, green or yellow for the living room. Shades of red and golden are the best colours for living room curtains according to Vastu. You can also have light-coloured curtains such as blue, saffron or yellow colour for the living room.

Where To Place Sofa In Living Room As Per Vastu

The heavy furniture should always be placed in the SouthWest or West or South of the drawing room. Also note that the head of the family/house should always sit facing towards the North or East direction.

The furniture in your drawing room should always be symmetrical and made of wood. Never use triangular, circular, hexagonal, egg-shaped or any other asymmetrical shape furniture. The furniture should always be rectangular or square in shape.

The heavy furniture like the sofas should be placed in the West or SouthWest direction of the living room. Note that you can arrange the sofa against the North or the East wall.

If you are wondering about the tv position in living room as per vastu, always install the TV in the SouthEast side of the living room. The SouthEast direction is Agneya Kona, the direction of Fire, ruled by Shukra Planet. Another direction to place TV is the Eastern wall of the drawing room.

If you want to have a fish aquarium in the living room, have it in the North, East or NorthEast side of the living room. You can also place a water fountain in the North direction.