Wall Clock Direction In Bedroom As Per Vastu

The wall clock direction in bedroom as per Vastu. Know wall clock should face which direction and which color of clock according to Vastu. Keeping pendulum wall clock as per Vastu is advised or not.

wall clock direction as per Vastu

The wall clock direction in as per Vastu is North. The best direction to place a wall clock is the North, ruled by Kubera (Kuber Devta), the Hindu god of wealth. It is said that keeping the wall clock in the North direction keeps all kinds of financial difficulties away.

If it is not possible to keep the clock in the North direction, you can keep the clock in the East or West direction. The East is ruled by Indra, the king of Hindu gods and heaven and the West direction is ruled by Varun, the Hindu god of rain and prosperity.

Note: You should never place the wall clock in the South direction. This direction is not regarded an auspicious place for wall clock because South direction is ruled Yamraj, the Hindu god of death.

Wall clock direction in bedroom as per Vastu

You must always place the wall clock in the East direction in the bedroom. The secondary place for wall clock is the North direction (it is an alternative and not the best direction). If your bed is placed in North-South direction and your head points to the South while sleeping, make sure the wall clock is placed on the North or East side. Also note that the clock should not reflect the bed or the entrance of the bedroom. If possible, try to keep the wall clock far away from the bed/sleeping place.

If you want to place wall clock in the living room, keep the wall clock on the North wall of the living room. Remember that the North direction is the direction of Kuber, the Hindu god of money and fortune.

Wall clock colours as per Vastu

In general, you must use light colours for wall clocks at home. Try to avoid dark colours for wall clocks at home. If you are placing a wall clock on the North wall of the home/office, then you can have metallic, grey, or white colours (these three colours are the best for the North direction). If you want to place the wall clock in East direction, go for the wooden or earthy shades, like green or brown.

Note that the placing pendulum clocks in Eastern side is considered good as per Vastu. Another important Vastu rule to follow – all the clocks should be at correct time or 1-2 minutes ahead of actual time. No matter what it should never show lapsed time.

If possible, avoid clock above any door and outside the house.