Vastu Remedies For Court Case And Vastu Remedies For Police Case

Vastu remedies to win court cases. Know where to keep legal documents as per vastu and which planet helps in court case. You can recite mantra to win court cases immediately.

Where To Keep Legal Documents As Per Vastu

As per vastu, all kinds of jewellery, money and important financial documents must be kept in the South-West direction in a locker facing North or North-East.

Any kind of legal documents or police documents should note be kept with other documents. You must keep all your legal documents separately in a wooden box in the North-East direction of the house.

Which Planet Helps In Court Case

Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the planets which are responsible for court cases or helps in winning any kind of court or legal cases.

  1. Saturn – It is responsible for any kind of misunderstanding between parties involved in legal or police matters. It is also responsible for the time delay in court cases.
  2. Rahu – Rahu is responsible for legal matters related to marriage, education, career or business problems.
  3. Ketu – If Ketu is in unfavorable dash or house in the kundli, it will results in excess expenditure or waste of money related to legal or court cases. In some cases it can be responsible for legal matters related to money disputes and financial disputes
  4. Mars – If Mars is unfavorable, you will never win any court case or legal issues or police case. If Mars is placed in 8th or 12th House it may be responsible for death sentence without proper hearing or proof.

In Kundli:

  1. 6th House – It determines the possibilities for legal case or police case.
  2. 7th House – It can be responsible for strengths & weaknesses of your opponents in any legal or police case.
  3. 8th House – It predicts the seriousness of the punishment under offense.
  4. 12th House – It shows the outcome o fthe case. This house is responsible for final outcome of the case.

Vastu Remedies For Court Case

  1. Extend the North-West portion of the house. It is very effective in winning any kind of legal or police case.
  2. Nvere have a gate towards the North-West side of the house. If there is any gate, immediately replace it with a wall.
  3. If you have a gate in the South-East direction, immediately close it.
  4. Never have the doors in your house in a straight line to the main door of house.
  5. Don’t have wild animal posters or photos or idols in the house.
  6. Install water fountain in front of the main door.
  7. Install a ringing bell inside the house.
  8. Keep rock salt in all corners of the house {except Pooja Room}.

Follow these simple, yet effective vastu remedies to win court case imemdiately.