Laptop As Per Vastu & Vastu For Computer & Mobile

Vastu for computer table facing and where to place laptop as per vastu? Know computer should be placed in which direction and which direction to face while working from home. Also know which is the best direction for work desk at home Feng Shui. Apply vastu for career growth at home.

Best Direction For Work Desk At Home

According to Vastu Shastra, an office should be in the North, North-East or North-West (facing) direction. As per vedic literature, North, North-East or North-West directions are considered to bring new financial growth and are related to good fortune for business.

As per Hinduism, the North direction is the direction of Kuber (the Hindu lord of wealth) and this is the reason why the office should be in the North direction. This will bring enormous financial gains.

If North direction is not available (free), East is the second best direction for an office in home of in general. The East direction is related to Lord Surya (Sun) and it gives great name and fame.

Where To Place Computer In Room

As per vastu, computer or laptops should be kept is the South-East corner. As per Vastu, the West of South West is an ideal direction for placing the computer for students. The computer or laptop should be placed in such a way that the person who is using it should face East or North direction.

As per vastu shastra, the South-East direction of the home or home office is the best directions for placement of computers, laptops and mobiles. It is sod because the South-East direction is represented by Lord Shukra ( planet Venus) which is the Hindu lord of fire.

According to Vastu Shastra, the South-East direction is best for keeping electricity-related devices. Also, never place any source of water or air (water-bottle, fridge, AC, fan, cooler or aquarium) in this direction because this direction (South-East) is opposite to the elements of water and air. This defect will lead to financial losses ad unnecessary troubles in work.

To maintain inflow of wealth and good fortune, the South-East direction should only be used for fire/electricity related elements and should be kept free from any clutter or defects.

In short, as per vastu shastra, the South-East direction of the home or home office is the best directions for placement of computers, laptops and mobiles.