Kitchen Position As Per Vastu For East, West, North And South Facing House

As per vastu kitchen should be in which direction? Know kitchen position as per vastu for east facing house, for west facing house, for north facing house and for south facing house.
Kitchen Position As Per Vastu
The South-East direction is called the “Agni” Disha. And in any kitchen, the most essential factor is fire. As per Vaastu Shastra, the element Fire governs in the direction South-East and so this directions of the house is best for kitchen.
However, if South-East direction isn’t possible, one can place the kitchen in North-West direction. In the kitchen, cooking gas or stove should be placed in South-East direction in such a way that person cooking must face East.
The North-West direction for kitchen is best suited for the South facing house. As in this scenario, it gets difficult to have the Kitchen in the South-East. So the Kitchen maybe set up in the North-West corner.
In the North West kitchen, cooking gas or stove should be placed in South direction in such a way that person cooking must face East.
Also in the North-West kitchen, the cooking stove can be placed in the North-West or West {alternative directions when it is nearly impossible to place gas stove in South}.
Kitchen Directions to Avoid
Note that one must avoid making kitchen in any other direction. Placing the kitchen other than South-East or North-West corner of the house may lead to lots of unrest, quarrels, and misunderstandings between the family members.
It will also bring unsaid, unnecessary expenditures. At no cost should the Kitchen be constructed in the North-East or the East or the North direction.