Fridge Direction As Per Vastu & Refrigerator Colour As Per Vastu

Which is the best vastu direction for fridge. Know vastu for fridge in kitchen, vastu for fridge in dining room and vastu for fridge in living room.

The Direction of Kitchen

The South-East direction is called the “Agni” Disha. And in any kitchen, the most essential factor is fire. As per Vaastu Shastra, the element Fire governs in the direction South-East and so this directions of the house is best for kitchen.

Fridge Direction As Per Vastu

As per vastu, the south-west corner is recommended for placing the refrigerator. If south-west corner is not empty, it can also be placed in the west, the north and the north-west direction.

Do not place the refrigerator in the north-east or the east direction.

Other important point to note – while placing the fridge, always ensure it is not close to a corner or attached to a wall. Always have a minimum gap of one or two foot from the wall. It ensures the flow of energies across the kitchen.

Always keep the refrigerator clean because as per vastu a cluttered refrigerator ensures negative energies. Try to keep milk, vegetables and water in the refrigerator. Never keep the refrigerator empty. A well-stacked refrigerator will bring good luck and and is said to attract wealth.

Always ensure that the fridge or refrigerator is kept at a considerable distance from the gas stove or oven or any similar fire elements. As per vastu, the refrigerator signifies the water element, and gas-stove signifies the fire element.

Refrigerator Colour As Per Vastu

Always go for the white and cream shade. Other favorable colours are any shade of green, shades of blue and earthy shades. Avoid red or dark colours if possible.