Vastu Tips For Working From Home & Direction For Office At Home

Which is the best direction for work desk at home? Know which direction is good for office work at home. Understand the Vastu for office seating and colour of office as per Vastu.
Vastu Direction For Work Desk At Home
As per Hinduism, the North direction is the direction of Kuber (the Hindu lord of wealth) and this is the reason why the office should be in the North direction. This will bring enormous financial gains.
If North direction is not available (free), East is the second best direction for an office in home of in general. The East direction is related to Lord Surya (Sun) and it gives great name and fame.
The best colours for the home office as per Vastu are cream, light yellow, light green, or light gold. Always use light shades in office.
The work desk must be in the south-west direction, while your position during work should be in the northeast direction without the obstruction of a door, window or balcony behind the workstation. This ensures less stress while increasing an individual’s concentration.
All important documents should be kept in the West or South-West direction. Note that if you are keeping these documents in wardrobe or drawer, they must open up in the North, East or North-East direction.
As per Vastu Shastra, the South-East direction of the home or home office is the best directions for placement of computers, laptops and mobiles. It is sod because the South-East direction is represented by Lord Shukra ( planet Venus) which is the Hindu lord of fire.