Tusli Plant Vastu Direction – Which Day To Plant Tusli At Home

Which day to plant Tusli at home and what is Tusli plant Vastu direction. Can we keep Tusli plant in front of main door and Which Tusli is best for home Rama or Shyama? Rama Tusli or Shyama Tusli mein kya antar hai.

Tusli Plant Vastu Direction

Tulsi plant should be kept in North or North-East directions. If these two directions are not available, Tulsi plant can also be kept in the West direction.

Can we keep Tusli plant in front of main door? Yes. But only if the main door is located in the NorthEast direction. In such case you can keep Tulsi plant near your main door, but inside the house.

Which day to plant Tusli at home? The best time to plant Tulsi is on Thursday in Kartik Month. But, it can be planted any month, any week, on Thursday. Some also believe it should not be planted on Sunday and Ekadashi day.

Can we keep Tulsi plant in South direction? No. The South direction is associated with fire and it is not a good position to plant Tulsi.

Can we keep two Tusli plant at home? According to Vastu, you shoudl always plant Tulsi in odd numbers, such as one, three, five, and so on.

Rama Tusli Or Shyama Tusli Mein Kya Antar Hai?

There are various kinds of Tulsi. Rama Tulsi and Shyama Tulsi are the two most popular kinds.

Rama Tulsi: It is known as Sri Tulsi and has green leaves. It is the Tulsi with medicinal benefits.
Shyama Tulsi: It is known as Krishna Tulsi and has dark/green purple leaves. It received its name from the dark complexion of Lord Krishna.

Apart from these two popular ones, there are two more varieties known as Vana Tulsi and Kapor Tulsi. Vana Tulsi is Wild Tulsi. It is widely grown in the Himalayas and has a very strong aroma. It is said to possess anti-ageing qualities.

The final one, Kapoor Tulsi has a pleasant scent similar to camphor (kapoor). It is the shortest in height (among four) and is dense. It is used to treat chronic illness and rheumatoid arthritis.