Wall Clock Vastu Direction – Wall Clock In Living Room

What is the ideal wall clock Vastu direction and wall clock should face in which direction. Know where to hang wall clock in living room and wall clock direction in bedroom as per Vastu.
Wall clock Vastu direction
The best direction to place a wall clock is the North, ruled by Kubera (Kuber Devta), the Hindu god of wealth. It is said that keeping the wall clock in the North direction keeps all kinds of financial difficulties away.
If it is not possible to keep the clock in the North direction, you can keep the clock in the East or West direction.
You should never place the wall clock in the South direction.
Wall clock direction in bedroom as per Vastu
You must always place the wall clock in the East direction in the bedroom. The secondary place for wall clock is the North direction. Note that the clock should not reflect the bed or the entrance of the bedroom.